Dark Angel transcripts

These are not scripts, but written versions of what I saw and heard onscreen. These transcripts are posted only for fan enjoyment--as a reference for fan fiction or trivia, or as a means of understanding what a character said. Dark Angel and its scripts are the property of Fox or James Cameron, not me.

Pilot Designate This
Heat Bag 'em
Flushed Proof of Purchase
C.R.E.A.M. Radar Love
411 on the DL Boo
Prodigy Two
Cold Comfort Some Assembly Required
Blah Blah, Woof Woof Gill Girl
Out Medium is the Message
Red Brainiac
Art Attack The Berrisford Agenda
Rising Borrowed Time
The Kidz are Aiight Harbor Lights
Female Trouble Love in Vein
Haven Fuhgeddaboudit
Shorties in Love Exposure
Pollo Loco Hello, Goodbye
I and I am a Camera Dawg Day Afternoon
Hit a Sista Back She Ain't Heavy
Meow Love Among the Runes
And Jesus Brought a Casserole Freak Nation

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